Omelette Courgette

Omelette Courgette. Combine eggs, water, remaining salt, basil, celery salt, and remaining pepper; mix well. You can let it rest for a minute, and then pour it on your frying pan to make an omelette.

Aardappel omelet met courgette - Lekker en Simpel
Aardappel omelet met courgette - Lekker en Simpel (Luis Morales)
Wipe out the skillet, coat with cooking spray. ¼ cup sliced zucchini. ½ cup cherry tomatoes. You can let it rest for a minute, and then pour it on your frying pan to make an omelette. Battez-les à la fourchette ou au fouet.

Combine eggs, water, remaining salt, basil, celery salt, and remaining pepper; mix well.

Remove the pits from the olives and cut in small pieces.

Baked Zucchini Omelette Recipe | Slow and Seasoned

Omelet met courgette | Gezondheidsnet



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Pour the egg mixture into the pan, add bacon bits and sliced spring onion. Mélanger bien et verser la préparation dans le moule beurré. Fold the other half on top and press gently.

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Oliver Wright

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